Oltre frontiera
It is a multi-purpose and multilingual service, addressed to foreign and Italian citizens and local services; it is organized to promote equal opportunities for immigrants, facilitate access to local public services in the municipalities of Livorno and Collesalvetti, as well as mediation at the Livorno and Gorgona prison.
OLtre frontiera employs linguistic and cultural mediators who speak the languages most widely spoken in the community of Livorno.
Information desk:
a) Information on all the practices related to the administrative procedures of foreign citizens: issue / renewal of the permit, family reunification, Italian language test, acquisition of Italian citizenship, regularization, flow decree for migrants, renewal of passports, as well as orientation to the network of services of: health care, education, employment center, police headquarters, prefecture, registry office…
b) linguistic and cultural mediation with local services
c) The online compilation of all the procedures regarding migration (see point a)
d) Legal advice on immigration, civil law, criminal law and labor law
e) Reporting of discriminating behaviour to the UNAR / RER network;
f) Reporting of citizens interested in assisted voluntary repatriation (IRVA);
Documentation Center is a space where events and initiatives are organized to encourage the interaction of migrant communities in the area with the aim of improving mutual knowledge and peaceful coexistence in a multicultural society.
Observatory on the needs of migrants carries out activities of insertion, treatment and detection of the needs of foreign migrants, who use the services of the center as well as to improve the knowledge of the migratory phenomenon
Oltre frontiera information desk at the Nesi / Korea association,
Linguistic and cultural mediation activities at the Livorno Prison "Le Sughere" and "Gorgona"
To whom is it addressed?
Foreign and Italian citizens
How could you access?
Access is free, but you have to take appointment.
Following the provisions for epidemiological prevention, public access is allowed only:
By calling Tel. 0586/891168 during the following hours:
Monday: 12.00-13.00 Thursday: 18.00-19.00
Tuesday: 18.00-19.00 Friday: 12.00-13.00
By sending SMS or Whatsapp to the following number 3512218645
Who runs the service?
The service is managed by:
Ass. CeSDI Immigrant Women Service Center APS, via Degli Asili, 35. http://www.cesdilivorno.it
Soc. Coop. Sociale odissea located in Via Cardinale Pacini 8, Capannori-Lucca, part of the CO&SO Consortium for Cooperation and Solidarity, with registered office in Florence, via Valdipesa, 1. http://www.cooperativaodissea.org/ and http://coeso.org/
The location of the service for the municipality of Livorno, via G.M.Terreni, 5
Tel. 0586/891168 - E-mail: Oltrefrontiera@cooperativaodissea.org
The opening hours to the public:
- Monday: 10.00-13.00 Thursday: 15.00-19.00
- Tuesday: 15.00-19.00 Friday: 09.00-13.00
- Wednesday: 10.00-12.00
The location of the service for the municipality of Collesalvetti, via Nino Bixio, 10
Tel. 0586/966100
The opening hours to the public
Wednesday: 16.00-19.00
E-mail: Oltrefrontiera@comune.collesalvetti.li.it
Head of the office, Marginality and family
Dr. Monica Moschei